P Blashki & Sons are not only manufacturers but also suppliers of high quality regalia and have been for over 160 years. In addition, we proudly offer this Pall of Pure Linen with embroidered emblem.
Regalia is tailor-made with care to your individual measurements and manufactured by our highly qualified staff in Melbourne. In addition, we use only the finest quality fabrics available.
Please Contact Us Here or email or call o3 5482 4788 to discuss your requirements.
Chalice cloths
There are also special linens which pertain to the Eucharist:
- The purificator (purificatorium or more anciently emunctorium) is a white linen cloth, used to wipe the chalice after each communicant partakes, as well as to wipe the chalice and paten after the ablutions which follow Communion.
- The pall (palla) is a stiffened square card covered with white linen. Usually embroidered with a cross or some other appropriate symbol. The purpose of the pall is to keep dust and insects from falling into the Eucharistic elements.
- The corporal is a square white cloth.
- The manuterge (also called lavabo towel). Which the priest uses to dry his or her hands after washing them.
- The chalice veil: “It is a praiseworthy practice for the chalice to be covered with a veil. Which may be either the colour of the day or white.”
- In the Tridentine Mass. The rubrics for Low Mass form obliged the priest to begin by carrying with him, from the sacristy to the altar, the chalice. Upon which was placed the purificator, paten and pall. All of these covered with a chalice veil and surmounted by a burse (known in Old English as a “corporas-case”) containing the corporal. At the end of Mass, the priest carried all these back to the sacristy, arranged after the same fashion.